Advance crop protection through bio-based pesticides.

Projects designed to make an impact.​



Project title:

Sustainable agriculture through novel pesticides using an integrated approach.

Funding Body:
European Union or European Research Executive Agency (REA).
Funding programme:
Food, Bioeconomy Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment.
2024- 2028
Scientific Coordination:
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology.
Project Coordination:
RTDS Association.
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology; Amoeba; Agroscope (WBF-AGS); Certis Biologicals; Rovensa Next; RTDS Association; Sudzueker Group; Technical University of Denmark; Verband Bayerischer Zuckerrübenanbauer e.v; Wageningen University and Research.

The Horizon Europe project SAGROPIA, that counts with Rovensa Next in its consortium partners, is a five-year research and innovation project aimed to reduce reliance on chemical pesticides focused on biocontrol methods for combatting plant pests and diseases.

The consortium is developing advance strategies of integrated pest management (IPM) for reducing the use of chemical pesticides in the cultivation of potato and sugar beet.

SAGROPIA aligns with the EU Farm to Fork strategy, supporting its objectives for sustainable farming systems and inclusive, healthy food systems.

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